EcoSplit 38EV (C) Inverter
The Ecosplit 38EX DC Inverter line presents the most advanced technology for direct expansion systems with variable speed compressors.

Increased Energy Efficiency
The Ecosplit line exceeds the minimum efficiency values of the ASHRAE 90.1 base in all capacities. Staging up to 6 compressors per system combined with the DC Inverter compressor.

Increased Energy Efficiency
The Ecosplit line exceeds the minimum efficiency values of the ASHRAE 90.1 base in all capacities. Staging up to 6 compressors per system combined with the DC Inverter compressor.
DC Inverter Motor
It has a DC inverter motor (fixed line and inverter) in the condenser modules to activate the fan. This concept also extends to compressors, with DC drive. Provides greater energy efficiency of the set.
Wide operating range
The Ecosplit line can operate in extreme conditions of external temperature. Operating range goes from 10° C to 46° C.
Refrigerant Fluid R-410A
Non-flammable, non-toxic and does not harm the ozone layer.
Tandem Concept
Compressor configuration in “Tandem” concept, for both fixed line and DC Inverter line. They allow greater staging between the units and also provide greater reliability: even if one compressor stops the other one will continue working.
Increased comfort
Ecosplit provides a high level of set point control, with a very low temperature change in the internal environment, which can vary between 0.2ºC to 0.5 ° C
Modular concept evaporator
With panels coated with 18 mm thick polyurethane, the evaporators of the Ecosplit line have the option of Limit Load type fans and special filtration (fine and absolute).